Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Big Day - The Patronal Feast of St. Jude, patron of Baptiste parish

As I waited for the celebration to begin, some children noticed I had a camera.  They were only too happy for me to take their pictures!  

But let me explain: celebrating patronal feasts in Haiti is very important.  It is a big occasion for the village and many priests from around the diocese and even beyond come to participate.  In addition, local bigwigs, politicians (senators and deputies, mayors and magistrates) police and members of the judiciary are also present.  This Patronal Feast was no different.  It began with liturgical dancers dancing up the aisle
The procession of about thirty priests, not counting seminarians and altar servers followed.  The church had been beautifully bedecked with ribbons and fresh flower arrangements. 

The choir and the band filled the church with beautiful sound.  Another offertory procession flowed down the aisle.  This one included live chickens and a collection of what appeared to be mops. 

In closing, Fr. Cassa thanked all of the dignitaries, priests, seminarians, choir, band, honored guests (he included me in this!), sacristans and people who had come from the chapels.  If you ever have the opportunity to participate, it is surely a great blessing!

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