Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Beginning my time in Cerca Carvajal, Sunday Oct. 13

Well this was written on Sunday, and it is now Wednesday.  Internet has been spotty so my posts may come out in clumps.  Sorry about that!

I returned with Fr. KK after attending the ordination of two young men in Mirebalais.  We first stopped and ran errands in Hinche and finally arrived around 4 pm.  It was good to know that I would be here for a while.  This past week I was traveling with four other members of the Haitian Education Fund board.  (To read more about that, please visit  Fr. KK told me that there would be a concert that evening by a group called “Lafwa” meaning Faith from Cap Haitien.  All told there were about a dozen performers who were for the most part priests.  The performers included 3 guitarists, one on drums and a keyboard player.  One priest who seemed very jovial, almost comical worked to energize the crowd.  I would call the music they played rock music, Haitian style.  The jovial priest encouraged the people at one point to stand up and dance.  Many women stood up and danced, swaying back and forth, raising their arms in praise to God.  Everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves!

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